A is the division for young players, ages 6-8, who are still developing their skills, but are beginning to throw with accuracy and consistency, are tracking the ball in the air and moving their glove to the ball (not avoiding it, if still avoiding or looking away from the ball, T-Ball is probably the appropriate division), are able to make good contact nearly every time when batting off a tee, and are able to time their swing relatively well with a thrown ball (if timing is still excessively deficient, T-Ball is probably the appropriate division). The player may not catch or field the ball, make an accurate throw, or hit a strike every time, but they have the ability to do this somewhat frequently and not just “by chance.” Practicing these actions is productive without the need to resort to more basic drills that do not depend on such skills.
A is typically comprised of players who understand the basic rules of baseball and the sequence of play: 3 strikes, 3 outs, hitting, throwing, catching, running bases, innings, etc. They may not understand or fully grasp player positions, force outs, tagging up on a fly ball, etc., but these are the things they will begin to learn in A.
At age 7, and if appropriate, a player may play AA if they played A the year prior.